Marionette JS Client

API Docs for: 1.7.1

File: lib/marionette/command-stream.js

(function(module, ns) {

  var debug = require('debug')('marionette:command-stream');
  var Responder = ns.require('responder');
  var wire = require('json-wire-protocol');

   * Command stream accepts a socket or any event
   * emitter that will emit data events
   * @class Marionette.CommandStream
   * @param {EventEmitter} socket socket instance.
   * @constructor
  function CommandStream(socket) {
    this.socket = socket;
    this._handler = new wire.Stream();

    this._handler.on('data', this.emit.bind(this, this.commandEvent));


    socket.on('data', this._handler.write.bind(this._handler));
    socket.on('error', function(err) {
      this.emit('error', err);

  var proto = CommandStream.prototype = Object.create(

   * name of the event this class
   * will emit when a response to a
   * command is received.
   * @property commandEvent
   * @type String
  proto.commandEvent = 'command';

   * Parses command into a string to
   * be sent over a tcp socket to marionette.
   * @method stringify
   * @param {Object} command marionette command.
   * @return {String} command as a string.
  proto.stringify = function stringify(command) {
    return wire.stringify(command);

   * Writes a command to the socket.
   * Handles conversion and formatting of object.
   * @method send
   * @param {Object} data marionette command.
  proto.send = function send(data) {
    debug('writing ', data, 'to socket');
    if (this.socket.write) {
      //nodejs socket
      this.socket.write(this.stringify(data), 'utf8');
    } else {
      //moztcp socket

   * Adds a chunk (string or buffer) to the
   * total buffer of this instance.
   * @this
   * @param {String|Buffer} buffer buffer or string to add.
  proto.add = function add(buffer) {

  module.exports = exports = CommandStream;

  (this.Marionette) ?
    [Marionette('command-stream'), Marionette] :
    [module, require('./marionette')]