Marionette JS Client

API Docs for: 1.7.1

File: lib/marionette/drivers/abstract.js

(function(module, ns) {

   * Abstract driver that will handle
   * all common tasks between implementations.
   * Such as error handling, request/response queuing
   * and timeouts.
   * @constructor
   * @class Marionette.Drivers.Abstract
   * @param {Object} options set options on prototype.
  function Abstract(options) {
    this._sendQueue = [];
    this._responseQueue = [];

  Abstract.prototype = {

     * Timeout for commands
     * @property timeout
     * @type Numeric
    timeout: 10000,

     * Waiting for a command to finish?
     * @private
     * @property _waiting
     * @type Boolean
    _waiting: true,

     * Is system ready for commands?
     * @property ready
     * @type Boolean
    ready: false,

     * Connection id for the server.
     * @property connectionId
     * @type Numeric
    connectionId: null,

     * We just set the script timeout.
     * If you need to do something in the driver.
     * @method setScriptTiemout
     * @param {Integer} the timeout value.
    setScriptTimeout: function setScriptTimeout(timeout) {

     * Sends remote command to server.
     * Each command will be queued while waiting for
     * any pending commands. This ensures order of
     * response is correct.
     * @method send
     * @param {Object} command remote command to send to marionette.
     * @param {Function} callback executed when response comes back.
    send: function send(cmd, callback) {
      if (!this.ready) {
        throw new Error('connection is not ready');

      if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') {
        throw new Error('callback is required');



      return this;

     * Connects to a remote server.
     * Requires a _connect function to be defined.
     *     MyClass.prototype._connect = function _connect(){
     *       //open a socket to marrionete accept response
     *       //you *must* call _onDeviceResponse with the first
     *       //response from marionette it looks like this:
     *       //{ from: 'root', applicationType: 'gecko', traits: [] }
     *       this.connectionId =;
     *     }
     * @method connect
     * @param {Function} callback executes
     *   after successfully connecting to the server.
    connect: function connect(callback) {
      this.ready = true;
      this._responseQueue.push(function(data) {
        this.applicationType = data.applicationType;
        this.traits = data.traits;

     * Destroys connection to server
     * Will immediately close connection to server
     * closing any pending responses.
     * @method close
    close: function() {
      this.ready = false;
      this._responseQueue.length = 0;
      if (this._close) {

     * Checks queue if not waiting for a response
     * Sends command to websocket server
     * @private
     * @method _nextCommand
    _nextCommand: function _nextCommand() {
      var nextCmd;
      if (!this._waiting && this._sendQueue.length) {
        this._waiting = true;
        nextCmd = this._sendQueue.shift();

     * Handles responses from devices.
     * Will only respond to the event if the connectionId
     * is equal to the event id and the client is ready.
     * @param {Object} data response from server.
     * @private
     * @method _onDeviceResponse
    _onDeviceResponse: function _onDeviceResponse(data) {
      var cb;
      if (this.ready && === this.connectionId) {
        this._waiting = false;
        cb = this._responseQueue.shift();



  module.exports = Abstract;

  (this.Marionette) ?
    [Marionette('drivers/abstract'), Marionette] :
    [module, require('../marionette')]